Mary Dokuchitz Financial Director Licensed Real Estate Referral Agent

(607) 434-9945

Yellowfin Realty

11256 Winthrop Main Street Riverview, FL 33578


Mary  has lived in Riverview for 4 years, having moved from Oneonta, New York. She holds a degree in Business Management , with a minor in Accounting. Mary was a licensed Real Estate Associate Broker while in NY, but prefers the financial aspect of the business. Mary lives with David, her husband of 35 years. She is blessed with a daughter, two sons and two granddaughters. Mary enjoys travelling, running, hiking and most importantly spending time with her family. Mary is a member of the Yellowfin Realty Referral Network. She is happy to refer one of our exceptional Yellowfin agents to any individual who may require assistance with their real estate needs.


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